Sunday, October 29, 2006

RAKed again!

Wow, the generosity of knitters is world renknown, this picture isn't so great. but you can see a tin o' tea (that "o" is for you beanie!) and the brown is dark chocolate with espresso (breakfast!) up in the righthand corner you can see a safty pin full of stitch markers. makes me wanna mark somthing. and tucked in to that lovely, yummy yarn (closeups on YPF) is a new cable needle, I guess sombody figured out that i like cables. :)

I am going to start keeping my eye out for some things to RAK, i belive at least 2 of my raks originated in knitty chat, hmmm. My raks probably won't get out until after christmas. maybe i will send lots of clearaced christmas candy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Friday so I can get a better look at that yarn!!! Mmmm Chocolate!! thanx for the 'o!!