Thursday, November 08, 2007

Some things take one's breath away

My life lately has been a series of amazing events. My future is being formed as I watch. Events are laying themselves out and I am very happy with the direction that it is going, and I still knit. I finished a Christmas present last night, and now I am getting back to my niece's Sheldon. It looks a bit odd at the moment, but I can see how cute he will be eventually. This is a lovely shot of the color also.
So when I came in from class today I logged on to the Rav and what do I see? The fall knitty surprise is up! And while the hat and the sweater are not really my style, this blew me away.I immediately remembered this in my stash, which I bought for secret of the stole and decided to not do. Are we seeing a connection? As soon as my Christmas knitting is done, this will be cast on. yes, I still knit.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

YAY sheldon!

That yarn is perfect!