Sunday, November 25, 2007


I didn't do too good at Project 365 this long weekend, i keep forgetting during daylight, and it's been busy.
Tuesday: Bribby dog, so photogenic
Thursday: Thanksgiving Cactus Bloom (this is a variety of Christmas cactus, it bloomed very impressively this year, over 50 buds)

Saturday: Toe up sock out of handspun yarn. I am knitting until I run out of yarn, so far I'm getting to mid calf and thinking it might go almost to my knees.

Wednesday, Friday and today, I got nothin'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a Christmass Cactus too. So far it only has 10 buds, but will have more in the following weeks, hoping it keeps cold and blooms beautifuly like yours!